The new Ninja Gaiden 3 trailer is live and it is purely gameplay and raises more excitement to get my hands on the title. Yet, somehow I can't shake the feeling that I'm going to have seen the entire game by the time of its release next month release. The trailer seems to show off an entire level through small clips and I really hope that any future ads aren't going to repeat this style. I want something to be a surprise. As your eyes digest this ninja awesomeness your going to see Ryu glide frequently for surprise stabbing, a gigantic dragon robot he completely decimates, and frequent slices into human flesh. Oh, no worries though, a kitana won't actually slice off any limbs, even in the hands of a master swordsman. You're just going to be covered in gallons of blood. http://youtu.be/2muP-IcIgd8 Anyone else feeling worried? I thought
maybe they'd add in dismemberment after they realized what a mistake it was going to be. However, Ryu still retains all of his ninja abilities. I guess we'll find out on March 20th. Pre-order now on Amazon.
PS3 Xbox 360.