The weight of Ryu Hayabusa's sword is waiting to be wielded as the launch date is rapidly approaching for the third installment in the Ninja Gaiden franchise. Ryu is looking to finally be forced to come to terms with the blood he's shed. Beginning segments of the game have Ryu finding himself fighting off an unknown band of terrorists led by the Regent of the Mask. With little understood of the masked figure, Ryu finds himself caught within a curse The Regent places on him. Known as the "Grip of Murder", the curse feeds off of the countless lives Hayabusa has claimed, and it only starves for more. Hayabusa struggles with the curse as he fights around the world in order to save everything he holds close. While many will inevitably need to fall by his blade, in turn his curse will only grow stronger. All actions have consequences. It's great to see a game's story receiving attention it deserves. With the story line receiving a breath of fresh air, it will be interesting to unravel how our next adventure with our favorite ninja plays out. Ninja Gaiden strongly remains one of the most challenging and rewarding action/adventure experiences out there. We'll all get the chance to find out next week on March 20th for US and March 23rd for UK. Meanwhile, enjoy the brutal launch trailer. http://youtu.be/CBV4OLqDYqc Check back very soon for our full Ninja Gaiden 3 preview.