Ninja Gaiden 3 Online Passes Stumble at Launch
Ninja Gaiden 3 is already out in the US, and in just a few short days UK gamers will get to slice their way through the campaign.

"We are aware of the issue with the Online Pass for Ninja Gaiden 3 and are working to resolve the issue. For those of you with the PlayStation 3 version of the game, the online pass will be redeemable by 4pm Pacific time. For those of you with the Xbox 360 version, we are currently working with Microsoft to resolve the issue and we will keep you updated. Thank you for your patience as we work to resolve this matter."Merely an hour later the problem was fixed for Xbox 360 owners, a short time later PS3 users followed. With the online passes corrected, there appears to still be a problem with Dead or Alive 5 demo code included within the Collector's Edition. Team-Ninja assured gamers that they were continuing to work with Sony in order to find a fix. It's great to see companies respond to and solve issues such as invalid codes so quickly. Witnessing the code invalid screen after slowly inputting, the letter/number combinations, always drags down the excitement. If you're curious about whether or not you want to pick the game up, click over to our full Ninja Gaiden 3 Review. Source: Gameinformer