Nintendo NX: 10 Awesome Reveals That Could Win The Console War

8. Securing A Major Franchise As An NX Exclusive

Nintendo NX
Rockstar Games

One major way Nintendo could plant their flag for the current console war is to steal a major franchise away from Sony and Microsoft as an exclusive.

The possibilities here are endless: imagine the s***storm if Nintendo could claim that Grand Theft Auto, Halo (ha!), Sonic, or just about any other big, iconic franchise were only available on the NX. Half-Life 3 confirmed for NX? There would be outrage, sure, but it would also do wonders for the platform's sales.

How Likely Is It?: Not at all. While it's possible if not probable that Nintendo may secure a more niche franchise as an exclusive (like they did with Bayonetta), you're having a laugh if you actually believe they have the clout to lock down any of the bigger AAA franchises doing the rounds at the moment. 2/10

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.