Nintendo NX Is No More... Say Hello To Nintendo Switch

Is it a handheld or a home console? It's both!

nintendo switch

Years upon years of rumours have built to this point, but now we can finally confirm: Nintendo's new console is called the 'Nintendo Switch', a name derived from its core functionality being a hybridisation of a handheld and a home console.

You can check out the first footage of it in action below, but basically the system's main hardware is located inside a tablet screen. At any one time, the tablet can be slotted into a shell that beams its screen (and assumedly upscales it, too) to your main television, whereas if you decide to take it out of this housing, you can separate the controller that comes with the machine, clip the two sides to this main screen and take it with you.


The coolest part of the whole thing is that these controllers essentially mimic those of the original Wii, meaning you can turn them on their side for a quick multiplayer session. If you grew up wishing for the 'home console experience' of something like Mario Kart wherever you are, that's one thing the Switch looks set to nail.

In addition, we can see Skyrim being played - confirming the rumours about Nintendo embracing third-party developers/publishers - and best of all, around the halfway mark, we see confirmation of cartridges, linking in to the assumption that the NX/Switch would see Nintendo make a glorious return to the ways of the old.


Granted, cartridges have existed on the 3DS for years, but for a Nintendo home console to use cartridges again? Man, that sounds pretty sweet.


The Switch will be available in March 2017, but at time of writing we've got no price or specific date set just yet.


Let us know in the comments what you think of the reveal!

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