Nintendo Switch: 10 3DS & DS Games We NEED To See

9. Shin Megami Tensei franchise

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Given the constant teasing and baiting of a possible Persona 5 port to the Switch, this feels like a no brainer. Especially with a confirmed Shin Megami Tensei V exclusive announced for Switch this could help ramp up the hype. That surely justifies re-releasing the multiple Shin Megami games on the DS and 3DS.

Most of the games from this series didn't sell as well as expected, especially IV and IV: Apocalypse. This is a shame as they're both chock full of dramatic art design and a creepy atmosphere, as well as the hardcore RPG mechanics that have made it such a big hit with the fans.

For the uninitiated think Pokemon meets The Exorcist and you're half way there.

There's a lot to enjoy and plenty of hours to sink into them, a second chance and coveted HD overhaul could really help create some new fans and help fill the Persona void in all our hearts.

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