Nintendo Switch: 10 Painfully Obvious Ports We're STILL Waiting For

8. Metal Gear Solid Series

MASS EFfect Switch

Hideo Kojima's iconic stealth series remains one of gaming's finest series to date. MGS has stood the test of time because each instalment offered a revolutionary experience, whether it was through gameplay systems or its impeccably-dense storylines.

Each title serves as a testament to Kojima Productions' ability to provide experiences that were both unique and satisfactory. Even the series' swan song MGS V: The Phantom Pain, which was ultimately rushed out for release, provided ambitious systems more advanced than games releasing in 2019.

With Kojima's departure from the series follow TPP, the series has been largely stagnant, thanks in no small part to the pitiful Metal Gear Survive. It undoubtedly needs a shot in the arm if Konami would like to make the franchise relevant again, and an HD collection on Switch would make that happen.

The only all-in-one version that had each MGS title was the PS3-exclusive Legacy Collection, which will likely be a licensing difficulty with the included PS exclusive MGS4. The HD Collection, however, was on both Xbox 360 and PlayStation, so that would be fair game.

Throw in Ground Zeroes and Phantom Pain for good measure, and you'll have a ported collection for the ultimate stealth franchise that packs far too much value to pass up.

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