Nintendo Switch Review: 6 Ups & 4 Downs

1. Single Joy-Cons Can Feel VERY Cramped

Nintendo Switch Joy Con

I'll try to refrain from 'tiny hands Donald Trump' jokes, but the fact remains - despite segmenting the Joy-Cons to play with a friend being an instantly cool thing to do, actually using them if your paws are anything larger than a child's, is very cumbersome.

Attaching the wrist straps does mean that the tiny recessed 'shoulder buttons' are now easier to use, but being a sideways Joy-Con will now have what used to be its own shoulder buttons right on the side (seen above), it's almost impossible to use ZL and ZR without accidentally hitting them.

Atop that, the joystick and face buttons are very close together, as you're literally using a controller designed to be one half of a larger configuration, on its side. Props to Nintendo for even thinking of this, it certainly is the fastest way to boot up a game and hop into something with a friend, but if you're anyone other than a tangerine-faced chimp with a penchant for nuclear destruction, they're going to be a tad hard to use. Sad!*



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