Nintendo Switch Reviews: 12 Critical Reactions You Need To Know

2. There's Still A Lot We Don't Know

nintendo virtual console
"The Switch’s entire online infrastructure is being patched into the system on the same day it reaches consumers. None of these features, or even a clear understanding of what they will be, were made available to reviewers. This…is not a good litmus test for Nintendo’s future success in this arena...A considerable amount of its functionality is tied to a major system update that isn’t live yet, and which Nintendo has not committed to delivering prior to the Switch’s general availability on March 3. Even more alarming, Nintendo all but refuses to answer questions about the system’s pending update, even while the review embargo precedes it by more than a day." - Polygon
"Nintendo says we can publish a review of [the Switch] right now, though I have no idea why Nintendo would want us to. The company’s new toy isn’t finished yet." - Wired

Critics have been put in something of an awkward position when it comes to reviewing the Switch: they've been able to toy with the units for 1-2 weeks, but haven't been given access to a number of key features that will be patched in on launch (apparently).

As such, there are many questions that the press have been unable to answer, such as: What is the e-shop like? Are purchases finally unified between Nintendo consoles? How exactly does the phone-based online multiplayer work? How will Virtual Console work, which platforms will it cover and when will it actually launch? When will video apps such as Netflix and YouTube be available? What will actually be contained in the day-1 patch?

It's frustrating how uncommunicative Nintendo famously are about matters such as this, and on the eve of a console launch even more so. Fingers crossed everything works out in the end, but best to avoid disappointment by expecting at least a few bumps in the road.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.