Nintendo Switch Tips & Tricks: 8 Features You Totally Missed

3. Turn On Your TV Automatically

Nintendo Switch Hdmi

Chances are you've acquired quite the "media centre" of various consoles, a big ol' TV and perhaps a blu-ray player on the side. All of these can be vying for control at any given time, and it's given rise to many systems - like the PS4 and Xbox One - having the ability to control your TV to ensure their signal appears first.

To get your TV and Switch playing nicely together, head into System Settings>TV Settings and set "Match TV Power State" to "On".

This way, next time your TV is on standby and you turn on your Switch, it'll boot the TV up alongside and light up in unison. Neat!

Note: As the Switch tells you on this menu, not all TVs support being hijacked by external devices, so if you're one of the unlucky ones and your set doesn't come on, chances are it's just down to the model type.

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