Nintendo's Next Console: 10 Ways To Blow Switch Out The Water

2. Make Online Play Free

Nintendo Switch Pro

Nintendo's online system is great. Not only does it allow players to play all their favourite games with friends and strangers across the globe and dream up wonderful new islands in Animal Crossing, the Switch offers an in-built Virtual Console, boasting classic games from NES and SNES eras, ready to stream.

This celebrated feature, however, was doubtlessly included as an incentive to get people to pay the monthly online subscription cost, and the gesture of including these ancient (and often very easily available) games becomes meaningless for players just looking for their Mario Kart online fix.

While a monthly subscription fee of £3.49 (or a yearly subscription of £17.99) isn't all that much, this extra cost is cheeky to players who have already spent around £300 on a console, especially if their only incentive for doing so was to enjoy a Super Smash Bros match online every now and then.

Even more insultingly, Nintendo's online service is very prone to lag, making players wonder what exactly they are paying for.

Online play should absolutely be free, while Nintendo could switch to a model of charging to access classic console titles instead.


When Matteo isn't cashing in on a lifetime of devotion to his favourite pop culture franchises and indie bands, he's writing and publishing poems and short stories under the name Teo Eve. Talk about range.