No Man's Sky: 16 Things You Didn't Know You Could Do

4. Reload Weapons By Drag N' Dropping Components

On-foot it seems fairly plausible to bend the knee and take a moment to refill your weapon or suit with some precious Resources. In combat though i.e. when you're being blasted from all sides in an interstellar dogfight, having to hop into the menu, pick the part of your ship that needs more ammo, highlight the ingredient and tap on it isn't the most eloquent of systems.

There is a slight fix, though. Instead of going on the component that needs filling, find the ingredient first (say Carbon/Plutonium), tap X to move it and X again on what needs refilling.

It'll shave off precious seconds in going between menus, which in a pinch, might just save you from being shot out the sky again.

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No Man's Sky
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