No Man's Sky: 20 Craziest Animals & Creatures Discovered So Far

2. A Rare Example Of An Insectoid Creature

No Man's Sky

While most creatures on this list have been variations of squiddy or cute, fluffy things, these oddities are decidedly more 'Starship Troopers'.

They look weird and alien in a way that I think makes a nice change from other entries.

Also note, these things measure height in kilos and weight in metres, which is very cool and otherworldly and definitely not a glitch.

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No Man's Sky
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Gamer, Researcher of strange things. I'm a writer-editor hybrid whose writings on video games, technology and movies can be found across the internet. I've even ventured into the realm of current affairs on occasion but, unable to face reality, have retreated into expatiating on things on screens instead.