No Man's Sky Reviews: 10 Early Reactions You Need To Know

2. It Runs At A Steady 30fps... Around 70% Of The Time

Frame rates aren't something you should ever worry about providing they stay steady, and Hello Games have managed to cap their world at a respectable 30fps - a figure that might make the PC gamers scoff, but considering the ludicrous amounts of things going on under the hood, is more than suitable.

I've included the full Digital Foundry breakdown above where you can see the game holding steady during intense mining sequences and combat scenarios, however when you take to your planet and start jetting over the constantly-generating landscapes at speed, things get way worse, rather quickly.

Dips as low as 14/15 frames per second were recording when coming out of orbit and flying over a planet relatively fast, so although it is doable and the game doesn't crash outright, until Hello Games can patch this to a higher standard, don't expect much of a pleasurable experience if you're putting a focus on flying just yet.

Digital Foundry note that the game only struggles for as long as you push your ship's engines at full speed, and as soon as you lay off the gas or turn around, the frame rate jumps back up to 30fps yet again.

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