No Man's Sky: 10 Core Gameplay Features You Need To Know About

2. As Are The Alien Sounds

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Hello Games

It's not just the instrumentation that's been segmented and stitched back together in very interesting ways; in fact, every alien creature you come across also has a unique 'voice', compiled from audible 'banks' of sound effects.

Audio director Paul Weir states,

“We’ve created our own sort of plug-in, which basically models vocal tracts, and within that we can say it’s got big features, it’s got a big neck, and it’s screaming because it’s angry. Then, the creature’s parameters are mapped onto the game. All the creature sounds you’ve seen in the trailers so far, they’ve been created by our prototype plug-ins, so I’ve always done this from day one.”

Skeptics will immediately start feeling the Peter Molyneux vibes, as it just seems too good to be true.

That said, if you just go with the idea, it would be possible to put together a number of base sound effects that could then be remixed and filtered through modifiers such as pitch and tempo tweaks, perhaps adding echoes, reverbs and whatever otherwordly sound effects are necessary to 'match' a given animal.

You can guarantee after launch people are going to pull every aspect of the game's content generation apart, but for now... let's just bask in the magic that is each of us interacting with a uniquely-sounding creature every time.

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No Man's Sky
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