Overwatch: 10 Best Ultimate Abilities In 2019 - Ranked

1. Zarya's Graviton Surge

Overwatch zenyatta

Zarya is a fearsomely versatile hero. She does massive damage when her Particle Cannon is at max energy. It doubles as a frag cannon, dealing explosive damage. The energy is supplied to her by her two bubbles. One, she places on herself, temporarily protecting her, and supplying her with energy when the bubble is hit. This bubble has the same mechanic for her other ability, which simply throws one onto an ally.

The pinnacle of her prowess is Graviton Surge. It doesn't heal or buff allies. It doesn't nerf enemies. It does minimal damage. It instead shoots a black hole, which brings opponents to it. You can throw this off the map to make enemies fall, or maybe for some simple zoning. So why is her ability the best in the game?

Zarya's Ultimate is the best because every other Ultimate works around it. Hanzo, D. Va, Reinhardt, Junkrat, Sombra, all offensive Ultimates work optimally with Zarya's. Even defensive Ultimates, like Lucio's and Zenyatta's, are saved specifically when a Graviton Surge is used on them, to survive whatever comes their way. When your Ultimate is the one that every other character has to work around, you've got the best in the game.

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I'm an American 17-year old, so you already know I'm amazing at writing.