Overwatch: 15 Best Skins So Far - Ranked

11. Cultist- Zenyatta's Lovecraftian Tentacles

overwatch symmetra

Edging out Zen's other best skins, his unique if somewhat frightening Nutcracker skin and his beautiful-looking Sanzang skin that gives him a weirdly handsome humanoid face, is the creepy and cool Cultist skin that he dons for Halloween.

Like many of the Halloween skins on this list, this skin is a fan-favourite for its weird and fun look and references to classic horror elements, specifically that of Lovecraftian mythos.

Transforming Zenyatta from a benign follower of the spiritual Iris to a sinister cultist of its old god equivalent in Overwatch's Junkenstein-verse, the skin slaps some tentacles on Zenyatta's face that move subtly along with his float, turns his feet into tentacles as well, and gives him a villainous green and purple colour scheme.

And keeping with the "iris" theme, Zen's orbs are little green eyeballs, while the broken chains on his wrists signal the danger behind his chilling personality - presented in his voice lines, which themselves have been altered to fit the creepy cultist.

While nothing can ever defeat the true horror and delight of the Nutcracker and his walnut orbs, as a whole, as with most of the Halloween skins, cultist Zenyatta just wins.

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Writer, artist, professional animator. Indie comics and Hi Nay podcast creator. Queer Filipino storyteller || @MotzieD on Twitter || Originally from Quezon City, The Philippines. Currently based in Toronto, Canada || motziedapul.com || hinaypod.com