Overwatch: 25 Best Skins You Must Unlock

20. Torbjörn – Ironclad

Overwatch Skins

Unfortunately for Torbjörn, he has some of the least interesting skins in the game. This is a particular shame because, as the game’s primary builder character, he has a lot of different elements which can be personalised. His Santaclad skin gives his turret a Rudolph-inspired appearance, though this can only properly be used for a month or two every year.

Chopper hints at the character’s time as a member of a motorcycle gang, something which is far more probable a backstory than that of Barbossa, which turns him into an old-school pirate. This only leaves us with Ironclad, but thankfully this is Torb’s most interesting skin by far.

Ironclad shows players what Torbjörn was like during Overwatch’s prime, presenting them with a tubby yet muscular and - most shocking of all – clean-shaven version of the hero. Despite only being useful in very specific situations, Torbjörn has always been an extremely likeable character, with his cheeky and no-nonsense personality fitting perfectly with his eccentric appearance. Therefore, it is a joy for Ironclad to give players a glimpse at the young man who would become the Torbjörn we know and love today.

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Ollie Dean is a full-time writer and pop culture obsessive.