Overwatch Halloween 2017: Ranking Every Legendary Skin

10. Dracula Reaper

Overwatch symmetra

Reaper received a legendary skin in the last Halloween event, so it was a little unexpected to see him get a second one this time around (despite the fact he is the game's resident spook). Reaper's newest skin, Dracula, is slick and very cool, but with some glaring issues.

Firstly, Reaper without his hood is cool - on paper. Here however he just looks bald and a bit weird. Perhaps it's because we're so used to him having something on his head, but here it definitely feels like something is missing. Alongside this, because his fangs are integrated into his mask design, it's nearly impossible on first glance to work out that he's supposed to be a vampire.

Moving onto his clothing and there's unfortunately very little to say - his coat looks fantastic, with the red lining looking suitably aristocratic, but even then it still looks fairly similar to his default skin. Much like with Mei, you have to wonder if Reaper truly needed a skin in this event, or if it could've gone to someone who needed it more.

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Gamer, writer and still patiently awaiting Bloodborne 2.