Overwatch: Ranking All Events So Far

Halloween, Summer Games, Winter Wonderland - which was the best?

Mei Overwatch

Overwatch was undeniably one of the biggest games not only in 2016, but in history, seeping into pop culture through captivating cinematics, excellent gameplay, eye-catching character designs and top of the line marketing.

However, it's been 4 years since release, and the road to Overwatch 2 means that new content has been somewhat rare in the base game.

The most recent is the ongoing Lunar New Year 2021 event, with the next being Archives in April, or possibly a special challenge in-between. While everyone has their own opinions on which event is "the best", there are a few that get more attention than others.

With Overwatch 2 not releasing until 2022, there will hopefully be more interesting content revealed during Blizzconline this Feb 19, 2021. For now, events are what's keeping players playing, in preparation for what's to come in 2022. Another year of events means new modes, maps, and skins to look forward to, and with Archives, hopefully more story as well .

This list contains spoilers for lore elements from the Archives story events, for those who haven't experienced them yet!

10. Storm Rising (Archives)

Mei Overwatch
Blizzard Entertainment

Though players still welcomed the bit of lore revealed in this event, and the cinematic that came with it was an exciting and enjoyable mini-movie, it was undeniably the least interesting of the three Archives events. It came at a time where interest in the game was waning, and didn't quite live up to the dark intrigue of Retribution or the revelatory early history of Uprising and how it showed more of the omnic conflict outside of the original Omnic Crisis.

The gameplay also didn't vary much from the gameplay of Retribution, using the same Talon agents that players had learned to beat in the previous year.

For the most part, all it did was act as connective tissue between more interesting aspects of Overwatch's story and lore, showing Overwatch at its height and just at the point of decline. It also introduced Sojourn, one of the new heroes to come with Overwatch 2, for the first time.

It also showed Maximilien, Talon's money-man (omnic), and teased a new villain at the end, with the fancy, suited Doomfist in his earlier days at Talon pre-incarceration, at the tipping point of Overwatch's decline from its glory days.

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Writer, artist, professional animator. Indie comics and Hi Nay podcast creator. Queer Filipino storyteller || @MotzieD on Twitter || Originally from Quezon City, The Philippines. Currently based in Toronto, Canada || motziedapul.com || hinaypod.com