Payday 2: 10 Crucial Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

7. Know Thy Enemy

Payday 2

Even with the snazzy new tutorials (and aren’t you lucky, back in the day there were NO tutorials, we had to figure everything out ourselves) Payday 2 does not hold your hand when it comes to learning about the different enemies you’ll face.

Gangsters, Regular cops, Blue SWAT, Yellow SWAT, Green FBI’s, and Tan MFR’s, all have differing rates of appearance on the level difficulties as well as different HP levels. It is of course useful to learn how many head-shots it takes to take down a Tan, and if you’d be wasting bullets on a regular cop when a poke with a melee weapon would suffice.

Special enemies such as Tasers, Bulldozers and Cloakers all come with identifying noises, which even in the thick of battle should give you a heads up to any surprises round the corner.

Letting your teammates know that you’ve heard the telltale buzz of a taser, or the gruff voice of a bulldozer might just save an embarrassing team KO down the line - and ALWAYS highlight special enemies by hitting that "F" key while looking at them, a mastermind build will give everyone bonus damage to a highlighted special.

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Phoenix lives in the North East of England and gets paid to hide that fact in voiceovers. She's also a writer, a/v editor and someone who spends a frankly ridiculous amount of time gaming. She can't resist an amiibo. She will talk your ear off about videogames, wrestling, comics, bad films and My Little Pony.