Payday 2: 10 Crucial Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

4. Deployables

payday 2

As well as the useful assets you can buy before every job, the deployable you chose should be chosen carefully depending on your team make up. Joining a heist only to find everyone has taken sentry guns and no ammo bags just means everyone’s gonna have a bad time m’kay?

Doctor and ammo bags can be placed in some pretty useful locations and often can be interacted with through walls. Sentry guns and trip mines need a bit more forethought about placement unless you want to be THAT GUY who sticks his sentry where it can’t find any enemies.

Always remember the golden rule of doctors bags - only use them when your screen turns grey as they will reset your “downs” (i.e when you’ve been put on your arse and needed a teammate to pick you up) using them just for health is seen as a massive waste - that’s what first aid kits are for.

Similarly with Ammo bags, if you aren’t hoovering up ammo from dead enemies then you should be conserving bullets with headshots. If you’re really hurting for ammo, never forget your melee weapon will save you a bullet or two one on one.

Lastly, if you’re the person taking the OVE9000 saw, then take your own damn ammo! It’s on you to keep yourself in blades since it disables ammo pickups from the ground.

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Phoenix lives in the North East of England and gets paid to hide that fact in voiceovers. She's also a writer, a/v editor and someone who spends a frankly ridiculous amount of time gaming. She can't resist an amiibo. She will talk your ear off about videogames, wrestling, comics, bad films and My Little Pony.