Persona 5: 5 Spin-Offs We Want
Please Atlus, can we have some more?

Following Atlus' Catherine and its insanely unique, nightmarish ways back in 2011, we all wanted to go back to the good ‘ol days of high-school.
Locked inside our bedrooms with the lights dimmed, the curtains closed, and a stash of snacks waiting to be devoured, Persona 5 allowed us to live out our fantasies of being someone with actual style, skills, and the charm to be able to get a girlfriend(s). Oh, and something about being able to steal hearts and summon outlandish demons.
Therefore, saying farewell to Persona 5’s Tokyo and its Merry Men was naturally heart-breaking.
Still, like Coca-Cola after a big ‘ol burp, the game has an even better aftertaste with its new game plus. A mode which enables players to relive the 100 plus hour campaign again, but without any of the pesky self-development.
But, because we’re all greedy whiners who crave more, we want Atlus to continue slaving away in the kitchen to cook us up some more Persona.
Like Atlus fattened us up with Persona 4 Arena Ultimax and Persona 4: Dancing All Night, we fancy a tray of side dishes for our Persona 5 entrée.
5. Persona 5 Red

Persona 4 did not feel incomplete in 2009, but Golden has now made it a barren wasteland because of everything it added: new personas; an epilogue and additional dungeon; new story events and quests; the Midnight Trivia Miracle Quiz and other TV listings; plus, Marie as an added social link.
Thus, Persona 4: Golden was the bandwagon many people hopped onto. And, just like the dozens who enjoy an adaptation without reading the novel first, they made diehard fans throw-up with how they paraded their new-found love for the game and franchise all over social media.
Persona 5 makes you feel like an overworked waiter with too many
red-faced customers to attend to, the game could be given the same
In particular, additional story events and holidays would be appreciated. The beach with the two hungry male cougars and Hawaii pale in comparison to the ski trip, Kanji’s wardrobe malfunction with his tighty-whities (although they were black), and the school camping excursion with that infamous curry.
Furthermore, whilst Marie was like an annoying sister going through a goth-phase, an added confidant and palace would be welcomed.
Story expansions could be sold through the PlayStation store as DLC, meanwhile Persona 5: Red – with a much better title – could be Atlus’ Game-of-the-Year edition.