PES 2014: 5 Flaws Konami Still Need Fixing To Catch FIFA

3. Cheesy Music

Music The musical side of Pro Evo is where Konami€™s Japanese roots really shine through. Compared to the modern, youthful tones of the FIFA soundtracks over the years, PES consistently provides tacky alternatives that sound more suited to a 90s arcade game than a current football simulation. FIFA has defined generations with its music over the years. Everyone remembers Fatboy Slim€™s €˜Rockafellar Skank€™ from FIFA 99, and Blur€™s €˜Song 2€™ on FIFA 98. Despite the odd decent tune over the years on Pro Evo, including 2013€™s €˜Ai Se Eu Te Pego€™ by Michel Telo, the game has largely been bereft of songs that get you up for a game of football! It€™s a small point, but one that rings true. Music defines the feel of the game leading up to the match, so get it right Mr.Konami!


22 year old history graduate with a passion for football, film, tv and gaming, attempting to carve out a career in them somehow. Huge fan of nostalgia, David Lynch films and the Super Nintendo. Did I mention nostalgia?