PlayStation 4: 10 Games Sony Will Unveil At E3

1. Metal Gear Solid V

It's the worst kept secret in gaming right now that Konami's The Phantom Pain is in fact going to be the fifth game in the Metal Gear Solid franchise; given the countless hints littered throughout the impressive gameplay trailer, it seems clear that Hideo Kojima is either having fun leading gamers on a wild goose chase, or is intent to get the PS4 off to a rearing start with the latest entry in one of gaming's most audacious franchises. Of course, don't put it past Kojima to pull a fast one on us - who can forget MGS2's Raiden debacle? - but the hints are just too overt; not only does the game's logo feature indentations that would perfectly fit the phrase "Metal Gear Solid V", but the character's resemblance to Solid Snake/Big Boss is unmistakable. This certainly raises a few eyebrows given the events of the fourth game, so who knows what crazy stew the genius madman has cooked up? Whatever it is, I can't wait to find out. What games are you hoping for Sony to announce at E3? Let us know in the comments below.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at]