Playstation 4: 5 Reasons We Need Backwards Compatability And Should Have Used Games

4. GameStop Is A Necessary Evil

GameStop-Black-Ops-Midnight-Launch Oh how I LOVE to harp on the fact that GameStop is the devil. Between buying games back at horrible rates of return, having employees that have been known to condescend to female customers, and just generally having a demeanor and business model that doesn't exactly scream "Buy from us!", I could easily say "Burn it to the ground, and eliminate used games!" I'm trying my hardest right now to continue with making a case for GameStop, truthfully. But I can't make a case against them completely, because buying used games from them is not a bad way to save money on picking up the latest releases just a little while further down the road. While the money they pay you to buy your older games is indeed crap, you're basically going to be buying games that someone else was paid crap money for. Better yet, you could buy a game that's been out for a couple of years in the Used section, and you'll still be able to get the DLC included with it! (That's how my girlfriend and I got Soul Caliber V with Dampierre.) GameStop may sometimes seems like a band of thieves, but they do have a diverse selection of second hand games, as well as peripherals and slightly older systems on sale. Sure, Best Buy is doing the same thing, but their selection isn't as diverse as the company they adopted those tactics from.

Mike Reyes may or may not be a Time Lord, but he's definitely the Doctor Who editor here at What Culture. In addition to his work at What Culture, Mr. Reyes writes for Cocktails and Movies, as well as his own personal blogs Mr. Controversy and The Bookish Kind. On top of that, he's also got a couple Short Stories and Novels in various states of completion, like any good writer worth their salt. He resides in New Jersey, and compiles his work from all publications on his Facebook page.