PlayStation Experience 2017: 10 Major Surprises We Want To See

3. God Of War Release Date


We already know that the new God of War will be releasing in early 2018. Why not give PSX more excitement by officially revealing the full release date?

Kratos and Atreus' adventure is looking like it'll be a pretty big departure from what we've seen of the series before, which is exactly what makes it so intriguing. The big mysteries surrounding the game are just waiting to be answered, and we're really excited about finding out when.

Out of all of the upcoming PlayStation exclusives, God of War remains as the only one that we have an estimated release date for, that of early 2018. This makes it the most likely to have its release date revealed at PSX considering that the event happens right at the end of the year.

This would certainly make PSX a worthy watch, especially as Sony have confirmed that the event will mostly just be used for updates on their upcoming games.


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.