PlayStation Home Is About To Disappear Forever
The once highly trumpeted social platform will be shut down tonight.

There were many fundamental things wrong with the design of Home. But there was also so much that was right about it. Players loved to spend money on virtual items. But above all, it was the passion - the loyalty generated by Home - that will be long remembered by anyone involved with the platform. The community loved Home. Some people met on Home, then married in real life. For several people it was a refuge from the real world - a place where they felt safe and secure.Home's demise did raise some questions, especially from those users who had pumped hundreds of pounds into the game, just to find out it was shutting down. A spokesperson for Sony confirmed it wouldn't be able to refund any money especially after browsing the Terms and Conditions for Home which stated:
We reserve the right to suspend or cancel the Open Beta or your access to the Open Beta at any time at our sole discretion.Ultimately, it's a sad yet understandable decision by Sony and as Home draws its last breath, it's worth remembering as an idea that had its moments but just couldn't be sustained. Did you enjoy PlayStation Home? Do you have any fond memories? Let us know in the comments!