PlayStation Now: 15 Massively Underrated Games You Must Play

6. Sniper Elite V2

Flying under the radar thanks to 2014 being a bit of a damp squib when it came to titles that could draw eyes on the industry, Sniper Elite 3 was time-jumping instalment in a series that's otherwise prided itself in replicating the accuracies of long-range combat in World War II. If there was such a thing as headshot-porn (and hell if I'm googling to see if there is), Sniper Elite is the digital version. Gameplay does give you the option to switch to assault rifles and pistols (alongside stealth kills if you stay low) to make your way across the various environments, but it's lining up the perfect headshot and watching in glorious slow-motion as accurately-modelled skeletal and muscle tissue goes flying, that'll keep you hooked.
Disgusting? Totally, but so much fun too - especially when you realise you can shoot Nazis right in the spuds. There are all sorts of sliders and tweaks you can fiddle with to make the experience as realistic as possible when it comes to wind resistance and bullet-drop over distance - all in service of aiming for that perfect headshot from right across the map. If you've one of those people who ever dabbles in using sniper rifles in online games - Sniper Elite is tailor-made exactly for you.
Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.