PlayStation Now: 15 Massively Underrated Games You Must Play

11. Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising

Following the Call of Duty explosion of the late 2000s, everybody and their third cousin was getting in on the action, slowly implementing increasingly realistic modes and frameworks to give you the 'real military experience'. Operation Flashpoint was essentially ARMA (PC-exclusive Armed Assault) for consoles, a ridiculously proficient and realistic portrayal of what it must be like on the battlefield by making the most incremental advances forward each time - always weary you're about to get your helmet blown off by an unseen assailant at any moment. Dragon Rising definitely found its audience back in 2009 and remains what you'd get if you essentially took COD 4's 'All Ghillied Up' mission and expanded it in every way possible, whilst retaining the hardcore feel of popping headshots from behind cover. It's brutal, unforgiving, in-depth and oh-so rewarding, so if you've got a military itch that needs scratching yet the overblown nature of COD is just too much, check out Operation Flashpoint.
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