PlayStation Plus: 13 Video Games Everyone Wants To See

1. Bloodborne

Why Everyone Wants To See It: Because you've probably seen the ecstatic reviews...but you just can't convince yourself to buy a game that you might not be able to finish. Indeed, coming from Dark Souls devs From Software, Bloodborne pulls no punches in its quest to deliver a challenging and visceral experience, putting the player through the meat grinder once again and causing their blood pressure to sky-rocket. It's off-putting to newer players or those who couldn't ever get to grips with the Souls games, even though the general aesthetic and gameplay looks amazing. If it were free on PS+, every possible incentive would be there, without the pressure of needing to complete the game just because you paid £40 for it. How Likely Is It?: Not very, sadly. Though Demon's Souls was added to the PS3's IGC a few years ago, no other Souls games have, and given that Bloodborne exceeded sales expectations, there's probably not much of a need to push for it to be added to PS+. It would be a mind-blowing addition, but it's really just a pipe dream at this point. 3/10 Which games do you most want to see on PlayStation Plus' Instant Game Collection? Shout them out in the comments!

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.