PlayStation VR: 9 New Details You Need To Know About

8. It Requires The PS Move Camera & Controllers To Function

The Vive, Oculus Rift and Samsung HTC models have fallen back on a mixture of room sensors, phone gyroscope tie-ins and handheld controllers that are about as new as the headsets themselves, but Sony have spotted a marketing opportunity, and are finally aiming to make good on a certain Wii-like piece of tech they rolled out for the PS3. Remember the PS Move? The awkward-looking elongated controllers with what looked like dollops of ice cream for sensors? Well, you're going to need at least one of them as a controller for the PS VR. Not only that, but the PS Camera is required too (Sony's Kinect-esque rival that was available at the PS4's launch, for use with visual sign-ins and voice commands, although you need only ask Microsoft how well that ideology went). Lastly you need a pair of headphones as the VR doesn't output audio through its form factor, instead you can use your own for the best experience. Sony have announced bundle deals that include all of the above plus a 'PlayStation VR Worlds' minigame collection for $500 - and we're yet to get a UK price - but if you're going to get into this stuff, you can probably shop around and find pre-owned Move controllers and a PS cam for less than the additional $150, snapping up the VR headset on its own come launch.
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