Pokémon: 10 Most Intense Gym Leader Boss Battles

8. Misty (Generation 1)

Following an exhausting trek through the dreary depths of Mt. Moon, you€™ll stumble upon Cerulean City, home to a criminally over-priced bike store and beloved gym leader Misty. You may have grown to love her as ash€™s friend and travelling companion from the anime series, but here she is almost unrecognisable, as a troublesome obstacle in your path to become Pokémon Champ. Misty specialises in water-types and unlike Brock who came before her, she has no filler Pokémon. Staryu and Starmie both pose as considerable threats unleashing powerful water-type moves water pulse and bubblebeam. Be sure to stock up on grass and thunder types before heading in, as they prove to be Misty€™s greatest weakness.
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Author, bass guitarist, beard enthusiast.