Pokemon: Every Main Game Ranked Worst To Best

3. Gen One - Pokemon Red & Blue

Pokemon Games
Game Freak

Climbing so high on this list because partially on the back of introducing Pokemon to the world, Red & Blue have enough charm of their own to warrant playing even today.

Nowadays, catching 'em all is a monumental task requiring years of dedication, but back when there were only 151 Pokemon to hunt down and catch, just about anyone could become a Pokemon master.

Maybe it's nostalgia talking, but Pokemon designs have rarely matched the beautiful simplicity of those found in Red & Blue. Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Charmander, Snorlax, Mew... the series' original titles introduced the world to so many instantly memorable designs that remain iconic faces of the franchise today.

Unfortunately, the original titles are borderline unplayable now, bar for big fans of retro gaming or those looking for a nostalgia trip. After years of quality of life improvements (the ability to traverse the world quickly, more user-friendly menus, COLOUR), it's difficult to go back to the extremely slow-paced original installments.

Thankfully, LeafGreen and FireRed fix many of these issues while keeping the magic of the original games intact. A straightforward story, somewhat contrived roadblocks (Snorlax!) and simple elemental pocket monsters represent a Pokemon stripped down to its basics, without all the bells, whistles and baggage that came with future installments, back when the magic of discovery was still alive.

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When Matteo isn't cashing in on a lifetime of devotion to his favourite pop culture franchises and indie bands, he's writing and publishing poems and short stories under the name Teo Eve. Talk about range.