Pokémon GO: 10 Reasons To Start Playing Again
7. Pokestop Renovations
This is a double-header, but some people have been reporting additional Pokestops being added to the game. My hometown has had a trio plugged into the town centre, just as an example.
The upside to this is how the earlier discussed radar system now means there is a direct correlation between the abundance of Pokemon and the density of stops.
TL;DR? More items and more Pokemon without you needing to dare set foot in country parks.
Gyms have also been converted into Pokestops as well, with the latest (and maybe greatest) update. While they have no effect on spawning Pokemon on your radar, it’s a nice little boon that makes gyms more than just a technicoloured blight on your map, and controlling the gym grants bonus items.
You’re going to want these extra chances to fill up your bag, because...