Pokémon GO: 15 Crucial Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

2. How To Do Special Moves In Battle

POKEMON go special moves

For your first few bouts, battling in the Gyms will be a hectic affair; getting trounced by higher-levelled opponents, not knowing when to dodge, servers dropping out and lag dominating - but don't worry.

Everything that happens when your Pokémon is on screen, is building up their special attack meter. How many 'segments' of the meter you'll need to accrue to activate a special differs from monster to monster, but you can view this on the Pokémon screen (seen above).

Pick a creature and scroll down, then keep that in mind when you're next in battle. You just might be able to turn the tables on your opponent at the last second, thanks to any previous encounters prepping your special attack already.

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