Pokémon GO: 15 Crucial Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

9. What 'Battery Saver Mode' Actually Does

pokemon go

The most immediate complaint for PokéGO has come from the insane drain it puts on your battery. As the app combines constant GPS tracking with an omnipresent server-sync across the globe, you can lose an entire charge in around 40 minutes. Yes, really.

Niantic are reportedly working on a fix, but the included 'Battery Saver Mode' actually refers to the screen turning itself off if you turn your phone upside down in your pocket. As helpful Redditor PowerFang notes: "The screen will turn off, but everything else still runs. Just hold onto the phone with earphones in and it will vibrate when a wild Pokémon is near, or make a noise when you get in range of a PokéStop."

It's not a perfect workaround, but if you're planning on waiting around in specific areas to see what spawns or walking great distances without constantly staring downwards, it works a treat.

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