Pokémon GO: 8 Important Fan Complaints Niantic Must Address

1. Tracking & The Nearby Menu

pokemon go tracking

First it worked, then it was frozen - now as a feature it's been removed. Tracking Pokémon is a huge part of the game no matter which way you look at it, but after Niantic 'updated' the game to fix the 'three step' glitch (where Pokémon were always a certain distance away from you no matter what, they've removed tracking altogether.

Now you don't have any means to zero-in on a Pokémon's location, and confusingly both the Nearby menu and its reduced, 'bar-like' form feature your 'nearest' three Pokémon in a reversed configuration when you flick between the two.

Needless to say, the app is receiving downvotes in the thousands. It wouldn't be so bad if the game launched without tracking and we got used to the idea as new, only for it to break again, but it was working at launch.

The game's popularity appears to be its biggest issue, and that doesn't bode well going forward.


Let us know in the comments what you've made of Pokémon GO since launch, what you're happy with and what you'd change!

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