Pokemon GO And Se7en Collide In Genius Alamo Drafthouse PSA
Don't talk. Don't text. Don't throw pokeballs.

You already know that the Alamo Drafthouse is the best cinema in the world. If you're not close to it, you'll know it by reputation alone, and a good deal of that comes courtesy of their hardline on people being absolute d*cks in their cinema screens. You don't talk there. You don't text there. It's a novel idea, but they literally only allow you to go and enjoy the film you paid to see in the manner it's supposed to be seen.
The latest addition to their war on selfish pricks who ruin everything with their constantly glowing screens and rabbiting yaps is a PSA designed to limit the reductive influence of Pokemon GO on the cinema experience. And they've basically won the Internet by combining the game with Se7en's most harrowing scene to literally perfect results.
Seriously though, being on your phone while the film is on - even the trailers - is a crime that should not be tolerated. We're supposed to be civilized for God's sake.
Good work Alamo Drafthouse. May your satirical arrow fly fast and true.