Pokémon Legends Arceus: 10 Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

10. Pokemon Unlock Moves You Don’t See

pokemon legends arceus moves
Game Freak

Now if you’re anything like me, you *hated* the “1.. 2… and poof!” text pop-up that accompanied every time a pokemon learnt any new ability.

Alongside being painfully slow when that was still the case in Sword and Shield, for 25 years of mainline titles, we’ve had creatures able to learn and store four moves at once, with new ones slotting in and whatever that was replacing being forgotten forever.

Well, no more. Though you’ll have to hit “View Moves” on a pokemon to see their full array of animations, now pokemon will learn new moves that appear UNDERNEATH the four they have equipped on this screen.

You’re free to swap a creature’s set around to your heart’s content, they’ll never forget anything anymore, and even better, swapping a move out and back in restores all its Power Points.

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