Pokémon: Ranking The Starters Of All 6 Generations From Worst To Best

17. Totodile

Pokemon Totodile
The Pokémon Company

Suffering under the weight of the same task faced by Chikorita, Totodile also failed to really capture much meaningful attention following the success of generation one. The news isn't all bad for the reptilian Water Type, but it's certainly more bad than good.

While Totodile and its evolutions may look pretty awesome, and even genuinely intimidating as the stages go on, it's pretty unimpressive as a battler. It's strengths lean heavily toward physical damage, but the best Water Type move it learns is a ranged attack. It can boast moves like Superpower or Thrash, but it won't get the best of Same Type Attack Bonus (STAB) for these as it's solely a Water Type.

Coming in the same generation as Lanturn and Quagsire, Totodile and its latter stages aren't even the best Water Type options in their own games!

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Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.