Pokémon GO: 10 Missing Gameplay Features We Want To See

9. Pikachu As An Official Starter

pokemon go trade
The Pokémon Company

There is a little-known 'Easter Egg' way to get Pikachu as your starter in Pokemon Go instead of Bulbasaur, Squirtle or Charmander.

If you walk away from the three starters that pop up on your map at the start of the game, they will eventually pop back up in front of you for you to select one. Do this three times, and on the fourth, the three original Starters will be joined by Pikachu.

Two things though: 1) It does require actual walking. Pokemon GO is centred around getting up and exploring your world. To "walk away" from the original three Starters, you have to literally walk far enough away until they disappear and reappear. And 2) it is only an Easter Egg at this time, not really known to players until after they have already begun playing.

While it's important to note that at this time your starter Pokémon doesn't really affect gameplay at all (and all four of the available Starters can later be found in the wild, with varying degrees of rarity depending on your location), some players and Pokemon fans would just like the up-front ability to start with Pikachu in the game.

Pikachu is without a doubt the most famous Pokemon of all time. Just doing a Google image search of "Pokemon" pops up more Pikachus than anything else. Pikachu has become the PokeMascot of the franchise. Letting players see they have an option to start with Pikachu would make a lot of fans happy.

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Jack of all trades, master of none. Husband, attorney, writer, and father-to-be.