This has not been a very good year for video game fans, from being one of the weaker years for video game releases to the Mass Effect controversy this year has gotten off to a rocky start. Now it may be getting even worse as there are
rumors floating around that Prey 2 may have been cancelled. Not much has been shown since last years reveal at E3; but considering it was one of the most talked about games at E3 I would say anticipation has been through the roof for Prey 2. However, a website called
PS Focus is claiming that Prey 2 is on the verge of being cancelled if not cancelled already according to their sources. Human Head the makers of Prey 2 had a scheduled press conference at GDC that was cancelled and the developers are
devastated: The most damning evidence though is Bethesda's silence about the rumor; when questioned about the cancellation of Prey 2 Bethesda responded
"no comment". You give a no comment for rumors that are small in nature, not when people are questioning whether your product is even in production; nine times out of ten in this situation you will get a very fast denial of the cancellation. In other words, if this rumor wasn't true Bethesda would have denied it immediately, this is the type of rumor that affects your stock ratings you don't just sit on it unless it is true. This would be horrible as Prey 2 was one of my most anticipated games of the year; I mean being an alien bounty hunter in a open cyber-punk world, how would you not want to play this game? I hope this rumor isn't true but Bethesda's continued silence is pretty damning; since Bioware has said they will put new ending DLC out maybe we can get all the fans that were petitioning for a new Mass Effect 3 to start petitioning to save Prey 2?