PS4: 10 Major Flaws Sony Must Address In 2016

Being on top only means you've got further to fall. Just ask Microsoft.

Playstation now

You can't overstate how massive the PlayStation 4 has become. Well ahead of the sales numbers the Xbox 360 and PS3 were enjoying at this point in their life-cycles and reportedly outselling the competition 2:1 in just about every market, the PS4 is on track to become one of the most successful consoles of all time.

And yet, while Sony's blue baby remains on top going into its third year, there are still plenty of problems under the hood that are stopping the machine from reaching its full potential. Because just like Sony always is when it's winning the console race, the company has started to become complacent, no longer chasing the innovations or daring to change its console because, well, they don't think they have to.

But goodwill only lasts so long, and if the supposed shake-ups to the PlayStation brand this year - and the likes of the upcoming VR headset - don't pan out the way the company is hoping, then the PS4's issues are only going to look so much worse six months down the line.

And before I begin, no, Sony, the answer to these problems is NOT "Buy our new PS4K!" 

It'll be the PS3 reveal all over again if that happens.

10. The Storage Capacity Bug

Playstation now

So you've bought a new game, but of course in 2016 you can't just put in the disc and expect it to work. By now your console's HDD is probably already full to the brim with other games you've amassed over the years, so naturally you have to delete some of these old releases off your system to make way for the new one.

But while this would seem like an easy process, a bug actually makes it way more frustrating than it should be. See, if you insert the disc when there's no room on your hard drive to install it, you'll naturally get the "No space available" prompt. However even if you then free up enough space, the same message still appears, even though you've just solved the problem.

To get the install to kick-in, you have to either reset the console or take the disc out and put it back in - a needlessly time-consuming process that, along with day-one patches and updates, puts even more space between you and your game.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3