PS4: 11 EASY Platinum Trophies You Can Unlock In Under 5 Hours

4. Coffin Dodgers

Coffin Dodgers
Milky Tea Studios

As mentioned earlier, I tried to stick to games that wouldn't be a total slog to get through for this list, but Coffin Dodgers comes the closest to completely tanking that idea. The cart racer, about a bunch of retired OAPs attempting to escape the clutches of one Mr Grim Reaper who's moved in down the street, mechanically speaking, isn't all that great. Putting it politely.

But it does have a lot of charm, even if its jokes are obvious and increasingly lame. There's nothing really all that inventive here, but like a good dad joke, it is surprisingly comforting.

It's going to require four playthroughs before you unlock the platinum trophy, one as a pensioner and one as death, and a couple more in order to acquire the in-game cash you need, but fortunately for you that will only take a couple of hours. The charm might have worn off by then, but mopping up those remaining unlocks - mostly relegated to the "Crazy Granddad" mode - will be a breeze.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3