PS4: 15 Hardest Platinum Trophies Nobody Unlocked

1. NecroMaster! - Crypt Of The Necrodancer

devil may cry 4
Brace Yourself Games

If you Google Crypt of the Necrodrancer, there’s a good chance that before you get to reviews, you’ll stumble onto forums and boards full of people venting that this is the most difficult platinum, well, ever. The stats seem to at least somewhat support that as well, with a measly 0.05% of players having the plat in their (virtual) trophy cabinet.

But what’s so difficult? Surely a game all about fighting to the beat of sick synth tunes wouldn’t want to see its players crumble into a ball of tears, snot and their own stink of failure and disappointment while gleefully dancing around them? Well, WRONG.

On the surface, it doesn’t look all that imposing, with the majority of the challenges simply requiring you to complete the game with certain characters. But when those characters die in one hit, die when they miss a beat and can’t pick up any items or, you guessed it, they die, things become very frustrating, very quickly.

When other players’ advice is to simply buy the best keyboard possible just so you have the chance to throw your head into a brick wall and bleed a little less, you might be better off giving up entirely.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3