PS4: 15 Hardest Platinum Trophies Nobody Unlocked

14. Platinum Trophy - Star Wars Battlefront

devil may cry 4

One of the more recent entries on the list, Star Wars Battlefront's online-oriented trophies have made for a particularly laborious grind for all the trophy hunters out in the wild. While most of these challenges are relatively straight-forward, it all comes down to whether or not you have the patience to play through Battlefront's tedious online offering to reach max rank and win an arbitrary amount of games over the title's different modes and maps.

But even then the offline portion doesn't fare any better, as you're forced to work your way through the game's survival and battle modes on the hardest difficultly in order to pop the platinum.

Unfortunately, more often than not, the hardest difficulty level turns these maps into cheap, instant-kill death-zones, where being caught out in the open will get you immediately gunned down.

A few glitchy camping spots will make this exercise in tedium a little bit more tolerable, but it won't make a for a fun time.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3