PS4: 15 Hardest Platinum Trophies Nobody Unlocked

12. Ascension - Titan Souls

devil may cry 4
Devolver Digital

Although it wasn't quite what everyone was expecting, Titan Souls lived up to its Dark Souls inspiration by being one of the most difficult and challenging games you can get on your PS4. Unfortunately for trophy hunters, developers at Devolver Digital opted to translate this sense of challenge over to the game's trophy list, where the same amount of skill and patience is required to unlock even the most common of achievements.

As a result, even though the game is already difficult, Titan Souls' trophy list requires you to pretty much know every single trick in the book if you want to stand a chance of getting that platinum. A 20 minute speed-run in particular makes for one of the game's biggest challenges, while another that has you completing the game on hard mode without dying once only adds insult to the injury.

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