PS4: 7 Launch Titles You Absolutely Have To Check Out

5. Battlefield 4

Battlefield 4 Pc 600x300 I am fully aware that I essentially slammed this game in every conceivable area in my review for the Playstation 3, but remember what I said; Dice did not take the PS3/360 generation seriously for this game, unfortunately churning out a pile of crap in both graphical prowess and quality assurance. The amount of glitches, poorly rendered objects, and console lock ups were uncountable and soured Multiplayer that, when it worked was damn fun. Fortunately, a new generation of gaming has dawned and with it comes a version of Battlefield 4 that isn€™t only functional, but what FPS Multiplayer should actively strive to be. Unlike Call of Duty: Ghosts (which is an unmitigated embarrassing joke), my qualms with Battlefield 4€™s Multiplayer never came from the core mechanics. I actually thought the maps (complete with collapsing buildings and all) were a blast, especially when you€™re piloting tanks and planes. The graphics in Battlefield 4 are just absolutely insane and impossible to believe until you€™re staring directly at your television. Both next generation consoles can also handle up to 60+ players playing on one map at once; a spectacle of itself for consoles.

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.