PS4: 9 Crippling Issues That Sony Must Fix In 2016

7. DualShock 4 Battery Life & Analogue Rubber Durability

Alright, how many of you out there both A) Have a PS4 from the first few months on sale, and B) Have intact analogue rubber? Exactly. It seems the earliest run of PS4s came with some of the worst rubber coating for the controller's sticks, and although you're better off with a newer model, the DualShock 4's battery life is still terribly short. Personally I've learned to live with the battery by charging it every night, but the controller itself is slowly falling apart regardless. Sony even acknowledged this as a problem in 2014, offering to replace what they say is 'one in ten' controllers, providing your system is under warranty. For the rest of us outside the warranty who've now got smushy, torn covers for our sticks though? We're left to swivel, as unlike the Xbox One's military-grade analogues that look as though they could withstand a firing squad, the PS4's pad is in serious need of an upgrade, both through cosmetics and the battery itself.
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